How Long Can a Dog Go Without Eating? Facts to Protect Your Dog

As a dog owner, it’s understandable to be concerned when your pet refuses to eat food. You might wonder, “How long can a dog go without eating?” While it’s normal for dogs to skip a meal occasionally, going without food for an extended period can be a sign of something more serious. Understanding the reasons behind your dog’s lack of appetite and knowing when to seek help is crucial for keeping your pet healthy and happy.

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Eating?

Typically, a healthy dog can live without food for about three to five days without eating, but this doesn’t mean you should wait that long to seek help. Dogs can survive without food longer than without water, but it’s important to monitor them closely if they stop eating. Puppies, senior dogs, and dogs with health conditions might not tolerate food deprivation, and healthy adult dogs might not. For these vulnerable groups, even missing one or two meals can be concerning.

What Causes a Dog to Stop Eating?

how long can a dog go without food

Several reasons why a dog might stop eating can help you address the issue effectively.

Health Issues:

Medical conditions like infections, dental pain, or digestive problems can lead to a loss of appetite in dogs. For example, dental problems such as tooth abscesses can make chewing painful, leading your dog to refuse food. Similarly, digestive issues like pancreatitis or gastritis can cause nausea, making your dog less interested in eating. Chronic diseases like kidney or liver problems can also make a dog eat less because they affect the dog’s overall health and energy.

Behavioral Causes:

Stress, anxiety, or significant changes in a dog’s environment, such as moving to a new home or adding another pet to the family, can lead to a dog refusing to eat food. Dogs are creatures of habit, and any disruption in their routine can cause them to feel uneasy.

For example, if you’ve recently had guests over or there’s been loud construction nearby, your dog might feel stressed and lose their appetite. Some dogs are also naturally more anxious than others; even minor changes can make them stop eating.

Dietary Changes:

If you’ve recently switched your dog’s food, they might not like the new taste or texture, leading to food refusal. Some dogs are also sensitive to the ingredients in their food, which can cause them to stop eating. It’s important to transition to new foods gradually by mixing the old and new food to allow your dog to adjust. Sudden changes can upset your dog’s stomach, causing them to refuse the new food.

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Drinking or Eating?

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Eating

While a dog might manage several days without food, water is far more critical. Most dogs can only survive about two to three days without water before severe dehydration sets in. Dehydration can quickly lead to organ failure and other serious health issues. Signs of dehydration include dry gums, loss of skin flexibility, lethargy, and sunken eyes.

If your dog isn’t drinking water, it’s important to see a vet right away. Dehydration can be more dangerous than starvation. Keeping your dog hydrated is vital, especially during hot weather or after vigorous exercise.

When to Worry About Your Dog Not Eating

If your dog hasn’t eaten for 24-48 hours, you should call your vet, especially if they also have symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or low energy. Dehydration is a more urgent issue, so if your dog isn’t drinking water, get veterinary help immediately. Also, if your dog is acting strange by hiding, drooling a lot, or crying when touched, these could be signs of pain that need a vet’s attention.

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Eating When They’re Sick?

How Long Can a Dog Go Without Eating

When a dog is sick, their ability to go without food can decrease significantly. Illnesses often sap a dog’s energy and reduce their body’s ability to function properly.

A sick dog should not go more than 24 hours without eating. If they refuse food for more than a day, it could indicate a more serious underlying condition that needs prompt veterinary attention.

The causes of a dog refusing food when sick can range from nausea, pain, to digestive issues, and each requires different management. For instance, a dog with an upset stomach might benefit from a bland diet like boiled chicken and rice until their appetite returns. In more severe cases, your vet might prescribe medication to help stimulate your dog’s appetite or treat the underlying illness.

What to Do If Your Dog Won’t Eat

If your dog isn’t eating, there are a few things you can try:

  • Change Their Food: Offer a different type of food, like switching from dry kibble to wet food, or adding a bit of chicken broth to make the food more appealing. Some dogs prefer the taste and texture of wet food, especially if they’re feeling unwell.
  • Warm Up the Food: Sometimes, warming up your dog’s food can make it more enticing by enhancing the smell, which can stimulate their appetite.
  • Hand-Feed Your Dog: Some dogs might respond better if you try to feed them by hand. This can also help if your dog is feeling anxious or stressed, as it provides comfort and reassurance.
  • Reduce Stress: Make sure your dog’s eating area is quiet and free from stressors. Avoid feeding your dog in busy or noisy areas of your home. Instead, try creating a calm, comfortable space where they can eat without distractions.
  • Consult Your Vet: If your dog’s lack of appetite continues, it’s important to consult your vet to rule out any serious health issues. Your vet can perform tests to determine the cause of your dog’s inappetence and recommend the appropriate treatment.

How Long Can a Dog Survive Without Food
Before They Die?

how long can a dog go without food

The exact timeframe varies depending on the dog’s age, health, and hydration status, but generally, a dog can survive up to five to seven days without food, assuming they are drinking water. However, this situation is extremely dangerous and should never be allowed to progress to this point.

Starvation can cause irreparable damage to a dog’s internal organs and lead to death. If your dog hasn’t eaten for more than 48 hours, seeking veterinary advice immediately is critical to prevent life-threatening complications. The earlier you intervene, the better your dog’s recovery chances.

Related article: Can Dogs Eat Tuna?

Importance of Nutrition and Regular Eating

Maintaining a regular eating schedule is crucial for your dog’s health. Ensuring they get their nutritional needs met is essential for their overall well-being. A balanced diet helps maintain a dog’s health and energy levels, making it important to address any eating issues promptly.

Dogs, like humans, rely on regular meals to provide the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Skipping meals can lead to malnutrition, weakened immunity, and other health problems.

To learn more about ensuring your dog gets the right nutrients, check out our article on Best Dog Nutrition

Preventive Measures to Maintain Your Dog’s Appetite

Taking steps to maintain your dog’s appetite can help prevent future issues. Regular veterinary check-ups can catch potential health problems early before they affect your dog’s eating habits. Providing a consistent feeding schedule and a high-quality, balanced diet can also help keep your dog’s appetite strong. Additionally, monitoring your dog for any changes in behavior or eating patterns can alert you to problems before they become serious.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens if a dog doesn’t eat for 3 days? If your dog hasn’t eaten for three days, it’s crucial to see a vet. Prolonged food refusal can lead to serious health problems, including malnutrition and organ damage. Early intervention is key to preventing these complications.
  • Can a dog go 24 hours without food? Yes, a dog can go 24 hours without food, but they should be monitored closely to ensure it doesn’t extend beyond that. If your dog skips a meal but seems otherwise healthy, it might not be a cause for concern, but continuous refusal to eat should be addressed.
  • How do I know if my dog is dehydrated? Signs of dehydration in dogs include dry gums, loss of skin elasticity, lethargy, and sunken eyes. If you suspect your dog is dehydrated, offer them water immediately and consult your vet if symptoms persist.
  • Can a change in routine cause a dog to stop eating? Yes, dogs are sensitive to changes in their routine. Moving to a new home, having guests over, or even a change in the time you feed them can cause stress, leading them to stop eating temporarily.


Knowing how long a dog can go without food is important for your dog’s health. While a healthy dog might go a few days without food, it’s not safe to wait that long. Always watch your dog’s eating habits and see a vet if they go without food or water for too long. By taking care of your dog’s needs and acting quickly, you can keep them healthy and happy.

If you need more guidance on what to do if your dog stops eating, the American Kennel Club (AKC) offers valuable insights and tips. Additionally, Maddie’s Fund provides helpful advice for those with newly adopted dogs who are adjusting to a new home. These resources can give you the support you need to meet your dog’s nutritional needs.